- Biographies A-Z
- Biographies A-Z
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Lacy, Benjamin Rice
Lacy, Benjamin Rice, Jr.
Lacy, Drury, Jr.
Lacy, William Sterling
Laflin, Byron
Laker, Benjamin
Lamb, Gideon
Lamb, John Calhoun
Lamb, William
Lamb, Wilson Gray, Jr.
Lambeth, John Walter, Jr.
Lambeth, John Walter, Sr.
Lamm, Carl: Glory Days of Country Music Radio
Lamon, Duncan
Lander, Samuel
Lander, William
Lane, James Henry
Lane, Joel
Lane, John Randolph
Lane, Joseph
Lane, Lunsford
Lane, Ralph
Lane, Sir Ralph
Lang, John Albert, Jr.
Langley, Katherine Emeline Gudger
Langston, John Dallas
Lanier, Edwin Sidney
Lanier, James Franklin Doughty
Lanier, Sidney Clopton
Lanneau, Sophie Stevens
Lanning, John Tate
LaPierre, John
Laprade, William Thomas
Larkin, Thomas Oliver
Larkins, John Davis, Jr.
Larkins, John Rodman
Lash (or Loesch), Jacob
Lash, Israel George
Lassiter, Rena Bingham
Latham, Louis Charles
Latham, Maude Moore
Lathrop, Virginia Terrell
Latta, Edward Dilworth
Laughinghouse, Charles O'Hagan
Law, Sallie Chapman Gordon
Lawler, Joab
Lawrence, Joseph Joshua
Lawrence, Joshua
Laws, Romulus Don
Lawson, Hugh
Lawson, John
Lay, George William
Lazarus, Rachel Mordecai
Lea, Luke
Lea, Solomon
Leach, James Madison Brown
Leach, James Thomas
Leake, Walter Francis
Leary, Lewis S.: Tar Heels at Harper's Ferry, October 16-18, 1859
Leavitt, Sturgis Elleno
Leazar, Augustus
Lederer, Johann (or John)
Lee, Arthur Carl
Lee, Charles Cochrane
Lee, Howard
Lee, Jesse
Lee, Stephen
Lee, Thomas Bailey
Lee, William Carey
Leech, Joseph
Lefler, Hugh Talmage
Legett, John
Lehman, Emma Augusta
Leigh, John
Leinbach, Traugott
Lemay, Thomas J.
Lemly, Samuel
Lenoir, Walter Waightstill
Lenoir, William
Lente, Frederick Divoux (or Devereaux)
Leonard, Sugar Ray
Lepper (or Leper), Thomas
Leslie, James
Leventhorpe, Collett
Lewelling, John
Lewis, Exum Percival
Lewis, Helen Morris
Lewis, Henry Wilkins
Lewis, Joe: We Weren't Afraid
Lewis, Kemp Plummer
Lewis, McDaniel
Lewis, Nell [Cornelia] Battle
Lewis, Richard Henry
Lewis, Richard Henry
Lewis, William Gaston
Lichtenstein, Gaston
Liddell, Anna Forbes
Lillington, Alexander
Lillington, John Alexander
Lindley, James
Lindley, John Van
Lindley, Jonathan
Lindsay, Colin
Lineberry, Gustavus Ernest
Lingle, Walter Lee
Linney, Romulus Zachariah
Lipinsky, Solomon
Listening to history: David Cecelski explores North Carolina's history, one person at a time
Little, Edward Herman
Little, George
Little, William
Little, William
Little, William Person
Littlefield, Milton Smith
Livermon, Carl Raby
Lloyd (or Loyd, Loyde), Thomas
Lloyd, Thomas
Lobb, Jacob
Lockamy, Fred: Sorrow Valley
Locke, Francis
Locke, Matthew
Lockhart, James Alexander
Loesch, Jacob
Logan, George Washington
London, Arthur Hill, Jr.
London, Arthur Hill, Sr.
London, Frank Marsden
London, Fritz Wolfgang
London, Henry Adolphus
London, Henry Armand
London, Henry Mauger
London, William Lord
Long Lance, Buffalo Child
Long, Andrew Theodore
Long, Benjamin Franklin
Long, Daniel Albright
Long, Jacob Alson
Long, Jacob Elmer
Long, John Wesley
Long, John, Jr.
Long, Nicholas
Long, Thomas Williams Mason
Long, Westray Battle
Long, William Lunsford
Long, William Samuel
Loretz, Andrew
Loring, William Wing
Love, James Spencer
Love, Robert Calvin Grier
Love, William Carter
Lovejoy, Jefferson Marshall [Madison?]
Lovick, John
Lovick, Thomas
Lovill, Edward Francis
Lowdermilk, Walter Clay
Lowe, Dazelle Foster
Lowe, Thomas G.
Lowry, Henry Berry
Lowry, Henry Berry (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
Lowry, Welton: The Spirit Of Henry Berry Lowry
Luck, Sid
Ludlow, Jacob Lott
Ludwell, Philip
Ludwell, Philip
Luelling, Henderson
Lunsford, Bascom Lamar
Luten (or Leuten, Luton, Lutten), Thomas
Lutterloh, Thomas S.
Lyerly, Jacob Martin Luther
Lyman, Theodore Benedict
Lynch, Lemuel
Lynch, Loretta
Lyon, Francis Strother
Lyon, George Leonidas
Lyon, Homer Legrand
Lyon, John
Lyon, Zachariah Inge
Lytch, James
Lytle, Archibald