Rama sits on a riverbank with four women, trying to forget Sita (Thai Ramayana mural)
Rama sits on a riverbank with four women, trying to forget Sita (Thai Ramayana mural)
Rama sits on a riverbank with four women, trying to forget Sita, as portrayed on a mural at the Emerald Buddha Temple. Rama sits at the corner of a riverbank, holding a piece of food in his right hand and gazing out at the water. A young and beautiful woman sits nearby, seemingly ignored, her hands in respectful prayer position. Three more lovely young women sit in similar positions at right, looking attentively toward Rama. All are dressed in royal Siamese clothing and crowns.
When Sita is gone, presumably dead at his order, Rama tries to forget Sita and entertain other royal women. He is overcome with doubt and regret, however, missing his one perfect wife Sita.
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