North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Wildcat MountainS Cherokee County E of Cane Creek. Almost right-angled in shape, it extends N and ne.
Wildcat Pondmarsh in SE Duplin County.
Wildcat RockW Henderson County at the head of South Fork.
Wildcat SpringN Haywood County on the head of Holly Bottom Branch.
Wildcat Spurpeak in NW Polk County at the head of Brights Creek.
Wildcat Swamprises in central Bertie County and flows NW into Loosing Swamp.
Wildcat Swamprises in central Northampton County and flows SE into Potecasi Creek.
Wildcat Swamprises in SE Sampson County and flows NW into Black River.
Wildcat Toppeak on the Haywood County, N.C.-Cocke County, Tenn., line. Alt. 4,201. The Appalachian Trail passes there.
WilderSee Needmore.