North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Peele Branchrises in NE Bertie County and flows SW into Chinkapin Swamp.
Peelercommunity in E Rowan County served by post office, 1894-1904.
Peeler Creekrises in S Davie County and flows SE approx. 2 mi. into Yadkin River.
Peels TopNW Cherokee County in the Unicoi Mountains.
Peewee Branchrises in W Jackson County and flows S into Greens Creek.
Peggy Gapon the head of Camp Creek in NW Jackson County.
Peggy KnobS Macon County between Tessentee Creek and Bennies Branch.
Peggy PeakSW Buncombe County at the E end of Smathers View Mountain.
Pegriescommunity in SW Richmond County served by post office, 1885-1904.
Pekincommunity in S Montgomery County. A post office, Chisholm's Store, est. there 1824, was renamed Pekin in 1853.