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Jordan Lakereservoir in Durham, Wake, and Chatham Counties. The 13,900-acre lake was created by the U.S. Corps of Engineers. Authorized 1963; construction began 1967. Name changed from New Hope Lake to B. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake in 1973 to honor former U.S. senator B. Everett Jordan. Built for recreation, water supply, and flood control.
Jordan RiverSee Cape Fear River.
JordansSee Friendship.
Jordans Creekrises in N Scotland County and flows SE into Juniper Creek.
Jordans Creekrises in N Warren County and flows N into Sixpound Creek.
Jordans Landingon Roanoke River, S Bertie County. The house on the Jordan plantation there is one of the oldest in the county.
Jordans Mill PondN Northampton County on Cypress Creek. Ivy Creek also flows into Jordans Mill Pond. Covers approx. 135 acres, with a max. depth of 12 ft. Named for an early owner.
Joshua Branchrises in S Transylvania County and flows NE into East Fork French Broad River.
Joshua Creekrises in SE Lenoir County and flows SE into Jones County, where it enters Trent River. Probably the same tributary as Joshua Foy's Creek, which is mentioned in local records as early as 1763.
Joshua Foy's CreekSee Joshua Creek.