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Johnston Court HouseSee Smithfield.
Johnston Swamprises in S Johnston County and flows NE into Stone Creek.
Johnstonvilleformer town est. 1788 in NE Randolph County as the county seat. Named for Governor Samuel Johnston (1733-1816), who was chief executive at the time. The town declined after 1796, when Asheboro was est. as the county seat in a more central location. The community of Brown's Crossroads is now at the site.
Johnstonville TownshipSW Harnett County.
Johnstowncommunity in S Lincoln County on Indian Creek.
Jolly Branchrises in SW Cleveland County and flows S beside Jolly Mountain into Broad River.
Jolly Branchrises in SE Orange County about 2 mi. N of town of Carrboro and flows SW into Bolin Creek.
Jolly Gapcentral Haywood County on the head of Dotson Branch.
Jolly Mountainin SW Cleveland County on Broad River. Alt. approx. 925.
JomeokeeSee Pilot Mountain.